The World of an IoT “Architect”
Being an ‘Architect’ is a title with big meaning suggesting bold outcomes. After all, the architects of the world have left behind medieval cathedrals, the Taj Mahal, the Pyramids, and the Great Wall. Closer to or world engineering world are computer chip architects and telecommunications network architects whose titles sound more important than just designers. Architects seem to use more fundamental building blocks when they build, things like foundations, walls, pillars and domes to balustrades and architectural details producing a well-constructed attractive design that will withstand the wear and tear of the ages, or at least last for a couple of years. When it comes to the Internet of Things, someone even coined the ‘4 Pillars of IoT’ on which the Internet of Things Architecture rest. Big words yes, but there is something to breaking IoT into 4 architectural parts which make up any IoT implementation. From a system engineering perspective Things , Connectivities , IoT Platf...